Huhu trap Sram all the way <3.
Before I start with my 50 page book I might aswell say this :x
I'm a strength based Sram before we get any mistakes :x if your agi based and rely on this kind of set goodluck finding another full agi sram who does this becouse I dont know about the set build nor a Sram who did it :x All our traps are either earth or neutral based wich gets boosted by strength. I also use daggers so if you are, or if you think about becoming a bow Sram save your time and ignore this.
This also isnt a "How to level guide" I dont care if you take 5 months to get level 10 or take 5 weeks and reach level 100, I'm also not going to tell you what you have to train on, just kill things you like and the levels come eventualy anyway. This is just a guide that I made from personal experience after playing Dofus for a year. Its how you "want" your things to be if you go with this type of Sram and after reaching the needed levels.
(If you got millions of spare kamas and can buy whatever you want dont mind this, you can get better equips for sure </3) also this is based on pvp, using/relying on nothing but range and traps in a normal battle is fun but will get you a whole lot of angry team members after a while :x
Onwards to the characteristics
Everytime you level you get 1 spell point and 5 characteristic points.
Assuming your not making some scrolled character or maybe just scroll a bit here and there these are the things you most likely want and dont want to raise.
<Strength, 200 as a minimum most Sram go all the way too 300 and stop there simply becouse it costs too much to continue>
<Agility, strength Sram or not agility is a must. get that to a 100 atleast, getting dodgerolled by another class wich has pretty much no agi at all isnt any fun and gets you a serious disadvantage>
<Intelligence. lovely but useless. dont put any point at all in here>
<Wisdom its usefull and we all want as much of it as possible. still, get your wisdom from equipment or scroll it. it costs 3 Char. points for 1 wis wich is simply too much and not worth it in the end>
<Chance. another useless stat for Srams. again all classes want it and it is usefull to get a slightly bigger chance of dropping things after the battle, still it doesnt add anything to our damage whatsoever. its just wasting Char. points>
<Vitality. Random opinions about increasing this or not. having vit is good end of the story. Increasing it is helpfull but if you do I'd suggest doing it after youre done boosting strength and agility>
Now then. for a good range/trap (partly "1/2" crit) set I would get a:
Renewed amulet or Springleaf.
Ramougre setter or Dagger sives.
Soft treering.
Orino boots.
Mastralis crowcloak.
Ditchy belt.
Again I know there are probably better 'sets' and equips but this isnt going to costs a person 50mil kamas :x
For the people that dont know about the equipment (I might let some effects out like +resist/resist% etc. its nice but not needed for this set to work)
Gelano for ap and the renewed amulet or Spring leaf for ap. With those 2 parts you already got yourself a 9ap set, add the
Orino boots and you have 9ap/4mp like pretty much everyone has these days.
Since traps are 3 - 5 range (different traps~) its not very helpfull to tank someone, place a trap an run use in that and might aswell start using a wand if your going to do crazy things like that.
Pet. Ya, its a pet :x they there are different pets wich can add different stats to your character. I'd suggest using a 80 strength Bow meow or Earth bwak or a 80 agiliy Bow meow / Air bwak
Gelano -ring- +1 ap
Renewed amulet -amulet- +1 ap +1 range wich we all want afcourse if were going to rely on traps. It add 6 to 10 damages aswell and some strength, also wis wich can never hurt in pvp and some other things not really 'important'.
Mastralis crowcloak -cloak
- adds 2 range <3 and quitegood/good vit and wis aswell besides that its not really helping your set in any other way.
Solomonk -hat- Almost everyones best friend it seems, it adds good vit, strength and agi wich never hurts. It adds +6 to 10 damages aswell as trap damages. Not sure on minimum but I think its +21 to 30 trap damages. it also gets you 15 to 20 damage% and you get 5 to 7 crits aswell (coming to that later)
Soft treering -ring- 1 of the rings- (Yes Lan, or Chadr as most know him XD. I got this from you
wich is why I got your name in lol)
It adds 1 range and decent vit if you get a good one, the +2 summons help for multiple doubles if your first or maybe even second one is still alive.
Orino boots -boots-, so obvious again^^- it adds the 1 mp wich makes your 9ap/4mp "set" complete it adds some vit and some strength and very little wisdom. However it gives +2-3 damages and 6? to 10 damage%.
Ramougre setter -dagger- I looked up the min/max stats on Wiki and adjusted some of it wich was obviously not the the min/max. still there might be some errors.
The damage is 5-14 neutral and 5-6 air steal, 1/30 to crit and 1/30 to fail aswell. you get +10 on a crit wich makes it 15-24 neutral and 15-16 air steal <3 anyway on to the good part :x
It takes ap from the enemy unless it dodges it wich is good if you cant use traps (yes some things are so obvious but once I'm started you get the whole damn story <3)
'2nd good part' XD it adds 30 to 50 strength, 40-50 agi and a good 100-150vit. it add 5-6 crits and +18? to 20 damage to traps
Dagger sives -dagger- Good fun, 13 to 22 neutral damage, 4 to 5 air steal +10 no a crit. 1/30 to crit and 1/50 to fail. It gives 200 to 250 vit wich is awesome, some wis/agi aswell and damage % also *dramatic music* + 1 range.
Ditchy belt -a belt afcourse- -.- It adds 150-200vit, 30 to 50 agi wich you want aswell :3 it also gives 16 to 20 damages to traps and 16 to 20 damage% to traps
As for the spring leaf -amulet- Since the update rank requirements are gone from equips (still on shields) aswell as the stat requirements on some equips wich made this nice little amu available for the Sram public XD
Suppose its common sense but you cant equip both the Renwed amulet and this so you have to make the choice.
The stats are better for this set then the Renewed amu in my opinion simply becouse of the range. It gives 1ap like the Renewed amulet, yet it gives 1 or 2 range (get the 2 range otherwise stick with Renwed amulet >.<) it can add the same amount of vit aswell as +damages. the only real difference is that you dont get strength but agi and instead of wis chance, wich is pretty much useless in this case. still becouse of the +2range I would get this over a renewed amulet. (when you compare the price tag you will be glad aswell)
For the 1/2 crit part unless your one of the very few people with a Turq dofus dont expect too much of this.
You need +30~ crits for the dagger (I'm just adding up the max. amount of crits you can get from this set so you can assume you end up with even less :x)
Lets start counting
we "need" + 30 crits. you get 7 from the Solomonk, +6 from your Ramougre setter thats it
O ya, no matter how much you love blasting people away with some excellent damage from your daggers if they crit, its not going to happen if you choose to go with a full range/trap set.
You can choose the spy order if your Bonta or Brak and get +1 to crits wich makes your crit hit rate 1/16 add your agi (201 or more seeing its the min. agi needed to equip a Ramougre setter) and the agi from some of your equips. to get your crit rate to 1/15 or maybe 1/14. Not alot but you have to live with it, you could level up Chakra impulse to get a small chance for 1/2 crit. but its simply not worth it and I wouldnt even level the spell when I can still spent spell points on more usefull things. (if you do level it to 5 or already did it do realise your litteraly gambling to get your 1/2 crit for 5 turns and probably fail at it.
If you use Dagger sives instead of a Ramougre setter just remove 6 crits and completely forget about your chance of getting 1/2 crit for a little while.
As a final note on the equipment part, you can get more crits by different equips. aerdala getas for crits instead of orino's maybe a 9 crit chafeuse belt etc. you can get 1/2 crit and still have some range/trap damages but it will be alot less good and you should either go full range/trap set or 1/2. using 2 half sets isnt getting you anywere.
Now the spells :x (got all in a random order and might even forget some :x)
POISON TRAP to lvl 5 pronto. (it wont be size 0 anymore but size 2 wich is the same as your mass trap<3) Its 7 neutral damage for 3 turns, doesnt sound like alot but wait until you start doing 120+ damage per turn on it thanks to the +damages/% etc. Its your Nr.1 friend against Feca's and pherhaps xelors aswell as pretty much any class >.<. It can be lowered by neutral resist% or removed with some unbewitchment spell. even if the Feca casts Immunity, Feca shield and truce for fun your still going to damage him/her for a good 50+ damage, the trap is also recastable every turn (aslong as you still have 3 ap) at level 5.
*shrugs* favorite weapon has to have some decent explanation <3
MASS TRAP to level 6 when you can for the 5 range and 4 ap cost, if you cant get a mass trap and poison in use 2 of those and enjoy the show.
PARALYZING TRAP to level 5 aswell simply becouse you remove 10 mp for 3 turns if the enemy doesnt dodge it.
TRAP OF SILENCE, level 4 as the min for the 7ap rape and 3ap cost. level 5 only changes the ap loss from 7 to 8 but
can still be helpfull :3
TRICKY TRAP, must be the most useless trap invented in this game. the only good thing is that you cannot fail it. still just leave it alone and dont level it.
UNSUMMONING TRAP..ya..50 neutral damage to any summon..size 1 and it wont be bigger at lvl 5, nor will the damage change. All you get is 2 more range and I think a cooldown of 2 turns less. wouldnt level this either.
INVISIBILITY. huhu the spell wich made 50% of the Rushu server population give up on their character and make a Sram or get a Sram alt. simply becouse they got sick and tired of loosing battles against Srams 40 levels lower then them.
Guess that was enough explanation to level it to 6 as soon as you can. 1ap cost, +1 to 2 mp while invis lasts and afcourse invis for 6 turns. when the invisibility is over you just have to manage 3 turns (wich wont be a problem asuming you actually used the range on your set) before you can go invis again.
DOUBLE, o yes another great spell. level 6 when you can. 2ap cost and only a 6 turn cooldown. just imagen your double having 1k+ hp and charging straight towards the opponent activating the traps so they cant jump or move out of them etc. blocking their spell sight or avoiding them from moving and force them to kill it before you sneak up and place some minefield around them.
LETHAL ATTACK, no trap but still good fun. lvl 5 when you can. If you crit (please dont try to get 1/2 crit on that-.-, or hope for one when in a battle. 1/65 crit..thats already + the crits from equips~ most likely isnt going to happen D:) however if you do you get to piss your opponent of real good with a nice 131 to 150 earth based attack
Being realistic its a pretty decent non linear 2 ranged spell (not boostable, god we could rape the strongest monsters without any problem with that kind of joke) however its also not possible to "lower" the range. it does a good 41 to 60 earth damage wich is still real nice.
FEAR. lvl 5 right away again, it pushes the opponent 5 squares back..thats it nothing more nothing less. however its an awesome spell for 2 ap wich allows you to get away from monsters/players or push them into traps etc. you get the point.
LETHAL TRAP..what to say :x I can already smell a Sram flaming war rising. Its our final spell and for crying out loud its the same size as tricky trap, thats right it covers 1 small square wich makes it pretty much neccesary to use Fear and push your opponent into it. damage is the same as Lethal attack (41 to 60 earth).
Now :x most Srams probably couldnt care less for it becouse of the trap/fear combo. 4 ap for the trap and 2 for fear, thats a poison and double..2 dagger hits etc. etc.
Yet I still leveled mine to 5 even after getting told by alot of Srams not to. why did I do it? becouse I didnt care and just wanted it>.< in the end I'm happy I did, the 6 ap cost to get someone into it and slightly "reveal" your position does suck yet it wont make you visible again like Lethal attack does and becouse of the +trap damages/% it has a chance of doing alot more then Lethal attack. I used it often enough in pvp with a poison trap behind it to kill the opponent or just do alot of damage in 1 turn.
Sorry for the whole book I wrote about this spell. just dont want people to follow this guide if they already do and regret leveling the trap in the end. If you love pvp and range/traps by all means level it. otherwise think twice before spending 10 spell points on it and going through hell unlearning all the levels again.
DECEITFULL ATTACK. if there was a trashcan you could throw it in, that would be the place for it to be. its a Int. based spell and its the only one we have its completely useless.
good fun. level 6 when you can, 5 range non linear with a 1/30 crit rate. Afcourse we cant do much with that 1/30 crit in pvp but what now if your fighting another person wich has some ranged spell aswell and you and him/her are dead if they get hit another time. you will thank yourself for leveling it and having the 3 ap cost and range becouse a trap wont save you in that situation. might not be spectacular damage but 3 hits of those might be enough to win.
CON. fun spell if your Dofus life includes pissing people off and getting aggressed daily. it does fairly good air damage and steals some kamas, dont level this and try to become rich of it becouse you wont. I tried it, I'm now level 140 and I'm still far from being rich.
If your an agi Sram leveling it to 5 would be good, otherwise dont bother.
CHAKRA CONCENTRATION. good and bad. at level 5 you gain 2 to 100 strength for 5 turns, get a good roll and you might change the whole battle, get a low one and fuck yourself over.
Its way too random and I woudlnt level it before some other spells. if you have enough free spell points it can never hurt to level it though.
TRICKY BLOW. You might want to ask another Sram about this one. they probably tell you its good in lower levels but too be honest I think its best to ignore it and go with fear. I never maxed this spell or used it daily so once again..ask another Sram who did level it to 6 (thats were we look at afterall, no matter how "bad" a spell it. its what you get out of it in the end, and from level 5 to 6 changes alot on some spells)
INVISIBILITY OF OTHERS. Dont bother with this again, it makes someone else invisible for some turns depending on the level of the spell. however if you dont use it on another Sram its fairly safe to say you wasted your ap. all other classes go visible unless they use a weapon skill or some buffs. if they attack its gone.
LOCATION. great spell and no need to level it, it cant fail it costs 2 ap and makes everything invisible visible. It doesnt matter if you have it at level 1 or 6 becouse nothing will change.
DAGGER SKILL (not learned). Hmmhmm you want it and you damn well better get it. level 6 when you can. +65% to the damage done with your daggers and only a 3ap level 6 that is.
CAWWOT (not learned)
You have to get this just like dagger skill. dont level it becouse you wont be using it for the reason its made. you dont learn it and everyone can get it. (have to exchange 100 cawwots to obtain it, forgot location and route but there's a guide on how to get it on the wiki site) it heals a bit and is int based so pretty much useless on that part. however if your fighting an eni (wich you DO want to have in close combat. forget about the mass range becouse the eni will just sit back and kill you with their evil little wands while healing themselves) just get next to the eni, put the cawwot behind you and if he/she is using a wand just build a nice row of lethal traps behind them in a straight line surrounded with poison traps. once there are enough just fear them into it. dont try other crazy things becouse the Eni class is far better then you expect at high levels.
Thank god back to the normal sized letters ^-^ I probably forgot some spells and other things here and there and I'll update this sometime when its not 8:00am, I'll also correct the spelling mistakes when I'm properly awake and might just add a thing here and there.
Before I start with my 50 page book I might aswell say this :x
I'm a strength based Sram before we get any mistakes :x if your agi based and rely on this kind of set goodluck finding another full agi sram who does this becouse I dont know about the set build nor a Sram who did it :x All our traps are either earth or neutral based wich gets boosted by strength. I also use daggers so if you are, or if you think about becoming a bow Sram save your time and ignore this.

This also isnt a "How to level guide" I dont care if you take 5 months to get level 10 or take 5 weeks and reach level 100, I'm also not going to tell you what you have to train on, just kill things you like and the levels come eventualy anyway. This is just a guide that I made from personal experience after playing Dofus for a year. Its how you "want" your things to be if you go with this type of Sram and after reaching the needed levels.
(If you got millions of spare kamas and can buy whatever you want dont mind this, you can get better equips for sure </3) also this is based on pvp, using/relying on nothing but range and traps in a normal battle is fun but will get you a whole lot of angry team members after a while :x
Onwards to the characteristics

Everytime you level you get 1 spell point and 5 characteristic points.
Assuming your not making some scrolled character or maybe just scroll a bit here and there these are the things you most likely want and dont want to raise.
<Strength, 200 as a minimum most Sram go all the way too 300 and stop there simply becouse it costs too much to continue>
<Agility, strength Sram or not agility is a must. get that to a 100 atleast, getting dodgerolled by another class wich has pretty much no agi at all isnt any fun and gets you a serious disadvantage>
<Intelligence. lovely but useless. dont put any point at all in here>
<Wisdom its usefull and we all want as much of it as possible. still, get your wisdom from equipment or scroll it. it costs 3 Char. points for 1 wis wich is simply too much and not worth it in the end>
<Chance. another useless stat for Srams. again all classes want it and it is usefull to get a slightly bigger chance of dropping things after the battle, still it doesnt add anything to our damage whatsoever. its just wasting Char. points>
<Vitality. Random opinions about increasing this or not. having vit is good end of the story. Increasing it is helpfull but if you do I'd suggest doing it after youre done boosting strength and agility>
Now then. for a good range/trap (partly "1/2" crit) set I would get a:
Renewed amulet or Springleaf.
Ramougre setter or Dagger sives.
Soft treering.
Orino boots.
Mastralis crowcloak.
Ditchy belt.
Again I know there are probably better 'sets' and equips but this isnt going to costs a person 50mil kamas :x
For the people that dont know about the equipment (I might let some effects out like +resist/resist% etc. its nice but not needed for this set to work)
Gelano for ap and the renewed amulet or Spring leaf for ap. With those 2 parts you already got yourself a 9ap set, add the
Orino boots and you have 9ap/4mp like pretty much everyone has these days.
Since traps are 3 - 5 range (different traps~) its not very helpfull to tank someone, place a trap an run use in that and might aswell start using a wand if your going to do crazy things like that.
Pet. Ya, its a pet :x they there are different pets wich can add different stats to your character. I'd suggest using a 80 strength Bow meow or Earth bwak or a 80 agiliy Bow meow / Air bwak
Gelano -ring- +1 ap
Renewed amulet -amulet- +1 ap +1 range wich we all want afcourse if were going to rely on traps. It add 6 to 10 damages aswell and some strength, also wis wich can never hurt in pvp and some other things not really 'important'.
Mastralis crowcloak -cloak

Solomonk -hat- Almost everyones best friend it seems, it adds good vit, strength and agi wich never hurts. It adds +6 to 10 damages aswell as trap damages. Not sure on minimum but I think its +21 to 30 trap damages. it also gets you 15 to 20 damage% and you get 5 to 7 crits aswell (coming to that later)
Soft treering -ring- 1 of the rings- (Yes Lan, or Chadr as most know him XD. I got this from you

It adds 1 range and decent vit if you get a good one, the +2 summons help for multiple doubles if your first or maybe even second one is still alive.
Orino boots -boots-, so obvious again^^- it adds the 1 mp wich makes your 9ap/4mp "set" complete it adds some vit and some strength and very little wisdom. However it gives +2-3 damages and 6? to 10 damage%.
Ramougre setter -dagger- I looked up the min/max stats on Wiki and adjusted some of it wich was obviously not the the min/max. still there might be some errors.
The damage is 5-14 neutral and 5-6 air steal, 1/30 to crit and 1/30 to fail aswell. you get +10 on a crit wich makes it 15-24 neutral and 15-16 air steal <3 anyway on to the good part :x
It takes ap from the enemy unless it dodges it wich is good if you cant use traps (yes some things are so obvious but once I'm started you get the whole damn story <3)
'2nd good part' XD it adds 30 to 50 strength, 40-50 agi and a good 100-150vit. it add 5-6 crits and +18? to 20 damage to traps

Dagger sives -dagger- Good fun, 13 to 22 neutral damage, 4 to 5 air steal +10 no a crit. 1/30 to crit and 1/50 to fail. It gives 200 to 250 vit wich is awesome, some wis/agi aswell and damage % also *dramatic music* + 1 range.
Ditchy belt -a belt afcourse- -.- It adds 150-200vit, 30 to 50 agi wich you want aswell :3 it also gives 16 to 20 damages to traps and 16 to 20 damage% to traps

As for the spring leaf -amulet- Since the update rank requirements are gone from equips (still on shields) aswell as the stat requirements on some equips wich made this nice little amu available for the Sram public XD
Suppose its common sense but you cant equip both the Renwed amulet and this so you have to make the choice.
The stats are better for this set then the Renewed amu in my opinion simply becouse of the range. It gives 1ap like the Renewed amulet, yet it gives 1 or 2 range (get the 2 range otherwise stick with Renwed amulet >.<) it can add the same amount of vit aswell as +damages. the only real difference is that you dont get strength but agi and instead of wis chance, wich is pretty much useless in this case. still becouse of the +2range I would get this over a renewed amulet. (when you compare the price tag you will be glad aswell)
For the 1/2 crit part unless your one of the very few people with a Turq dofus dont expect too much of this.
You need +30~ crits for the dagger (I'm just adding up the max. amount of crits you can get from this set so you can assume you end up with even less :x)
Lets start counting

You can choose the spy order if your Bonta or Brak and get +1 to crits wich makes your crit hit rate 1/16 add your agi (201 or more seeing its the min. agi needed to equip a Ramougre setter) and the agi from some of your equips. to get your crit rate to 1/15 or maybe 1/14. Not alot but you have to live with it, you could level up Chakra impulse to get a small chance for 1/2 crit. but its simply not worth it and I wouldnt even level the spell when I can still spent spell points on more usefull things. (if you do level it to 5 or already did it do realise your litteraly gambling to get your 1/2 crit for 5 turns and probably fail at it.
If you use Dagger sives instead of a Ramougre setter just remove 6 crits and completely forget about your chance of getting 1/2 crit for a little while.
As a final note on the equipment part, you can get more crits by different equips. aerdala getas for crits instead of orino's maybe a 9 crit chafeuse belt etc. you can get 1/2 crit and still have some range/trap damages but it will be alot less good and you should either go full range/trap set or 1/2. using 2 half sets isnt getting you anywere.
Now the spells :x (got all in a random order and might even forget some :x)
POISON TRAP to lvl 5 pronto. (it wont be size 0 anymore but size 2 wich is the same as your mass trap<3) Its 7 neutral damage for 3 turns, doesnt sound like alot but wait until you start doing 120+ damage per turn on it thanks to the +damages/% etc. Its your Nr.1 friend against Feca's and pherhaps xelors aswell as pretty much any class >.<. It can be lowered by neutral resist% or removed with some unbewitchment spell. even if the Feca casts Immunity, Feca shield and truce for fun your still going to damage him/her for a good 50+ damage, the trap is also recastable every turn (aslong as you still have 3 ap) at level 5.
*shrugs* favorite weapon has to have some decent explanation <3
MASS TRAP to level 6 when you can for the 5 range and 4 ap cost, if you cant get a mass trap and poison in use 2 of those and enjoy the show.
PARALYZING TRAP to level 5 aswell simply becouse you remove 10 mp for 3 turns if the enemy doesnt dodge it.
TRAP OF SILENCE, level 4 as the min for the 7ap rape and 3ap cost. level 5 only changes the ap loss from 7 to 8 but
can still be helpfull :3
TRICKY TRAP, must be the most useless trap invented in this game. the only good thing is that you cannot fail it. still just leave it alone and dont level it.
UNSUMMONING TRAP..ya..50 neutral damage to any summon..size 1 and it wont be bigger at lvl 5, nor will the damage change. All you get is 2 more range and I think a cooldown of 2 turns less. wouldnt level this either.
INVISIBILITY. huhu the spell wich made 50% of the Rushu server population give up on their character and make a Sram or get a Sram alt. simply becouse they got sick and tired of loosing battles against Srams 40 levels lower then them.
Guess that was enough explanation to level it to 6 as soon as you can. 1ap cost, +1 to 2 mp while invis lasts and afcourse invis for 6 turns. when the invisibility is over you just have to manage 3 turns (wich wont be a problem asuming you actually used the range on your set) before you can go invis again.
DOUBLE, o yes another great spell. level 6 when you can. 2ap cost and only a 6 turn cooldown. just imagen your double having 1k+ hp and charging straight towards the opponent activating the traps so they cant jump or move out of them etc. blocking their spell sight or avoiding them from moving and force them to kill it before you sneak up and place some minefield around them.
LETHAL ATTACK, no trap but still good fun. lvl 5 when you can. If you crit (please dont try to get 1/2 crit on that-.-, or hope for one when in a battle. 1/65 crit..thats already + the crits from equips~ most likely isnt going to happen D:) however if you do you get to piss your opponent of real good with a nice 131 to 150 earth based attack

Being realistic its a pretty decent non linear 2 ranged spell (not boostable, god we could rape the strongest monsters without any problem with that kind of joke) however its also not possible to "lower" the range. it does a good 41 to 60 earth damage wich is still real nice.
FEAR. lvl 5 right away again, it pushes the opponent 5 squares back..thats it nothing more nothing less. however its an awesome spell for 2 ap wich allows you to get away from monsters/players or push them into traps etc. you get the point.
LETHAL TRAP..what to say :x I can already smell a Sram flaming war rising. Its our final spell and for crying out loud its the same size as tricky trap, thats right it covers 1 small square wich makes it pretty much neccesary to use Fear and push your opponent into it. damage is the same as Lethal attack (41 to 60 earth).
Now :x most Srams probably couldnt care less for it becouse of the trap/fear combo. 4 ap for the trap and 2 for fear, thats a poison and double..2 dagger hits etc. etc.
Yet I still leveled mine to 5 even after getting told by alot of Srams not to. why did I do it? becouse I didnt care and just wanted it>.< in the end I'm happy I did, the 6 ap cost to get someone into it and slightly "reveal" your position does suck yet it wont make you visible again like Lethal attack does and becouse of the +trap damages/% it has a chance of doing alot more then Lethal attack. I used it often enough in pvp with a poison trap behind it to kill the opponent or just do alot of damage in 1 turn.
Sorry for the whole book I wrote about this spell. just dont want people to follow this guide if they already do and regret leveling the trap in the end. If you love pvp and range/traps by all means level it. otherwise think twice before spending 10 spell points on it and going through hell unlearning all the levels again.
DECEITFULL ATTACK. if there was a trashcan you could throw it in, that would be the place for it to be. its a Int. based spell and its the only one we have its completely useless.

CON. fun spell if your Dofus life includes pissing people off and getting aggressed daily. it does fairly good air damage and steals some kamas, dont level this and try to become rich of it becouse you wont. I tried it, I'm now level 140 and I'm still far from being rich.
If your an agi Sram leveling it to 5 would be good, otherwise dont bother.
CHAKRA CONCENTRATION. good and bad. at level 5 you gain 2 to 100 strength for 5 turns, get a good roll and you might change the whole battle, get a low one and fuck yourself over.
Its way too random and I woudlnt level it before some other spells. if you have enough free spell points it can never hurt to level it though.
TRICKY BLOW. You might want to ask another Sram about this one. they probably tell you its good in lower levels but too be honest I think its best to ignore it and go with fear. I never maxed this spell or used it daily so once again..ask another Sram who did level it to 6 (thats were we look at afterall, no matter how "bad" a spell it. its what you get out of it in the end, and from level 5 to 6 changes alot on some spells)
INVISIBILITY OF OTHERS. Dont bother with this again, it makes someone else invisible for some turns depending on the level of the spell. however if you dont use it on another Sram its fairly safe to say you wasted your ap. all other classes go visible unless they use a weapon skill or some buffs. if they attack its gone.
LOCATION. great spell and no need to level it, it cant fail it costs 2 ap and makes everything invisible visible. It doesnt matter if you have it at level 1 or 6 becouse nothing will change.
DAGGER SKILL (not learned). Hmmhmm you want it and you damn well better get it. level 6 when you can. +65% to the damage done with your daggers and only a 3ap level 6 that is.
CAWWOT (not learned)


Thank god back to the normal sized letters ^-^ I probably forgot some spells and other things here and there and I'll update this sometime when its not 8:00am, I'll also correct the spelling mistakes when I'm properly awake and might just add a thing here and there.